
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Addison Slideshow-Birth to 4 Months old

I put together this slideshow of all our favorite pictures since she was born. It's quite long (almost 10 minutes!) :-). I apologize if it seems a bit indulgent, but i have 4 and a half months to make up for. So when you have some time to kill, I hope you enjoy it!

Also, I forgot to let everyone know her "stats" from the doctor Monday. She is now 14 lbs. 5oz, and she's 24 in tall. I can't believe she's already grown 3 inches.

Drew's Viper!

We just found this video on Youtube of Drew and his Viper from last weekend. He met up with a bunch of other exotic car guys and they all went for a cruise. There were 7 or 8 Lamborginis, 5 Vipers, A couple Lotus', and a handful of Corvettes and Mustangs. Evidentally, there's usually even more there, but a lot of people were scared of rain this weekend. Drew is mad because he needs new tires, so they aren't sticking to the ground really well, and you can see that in this video. I still think it looks pretty cool. So check it out, and look for Drew in the Yellow Viper, he's about 1 minute and a half into the video.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Last Night

Here's a couple of videos from last night. She's working on sitting up. She can't do it from laying all the way down, but when she has a little help, she does pretty good. She's just growing so fast. She literally learns something new everyday. Incredible.

The second video is just us goofing around. :-)

Silly Girl

So Sunday Addison decided that she wanted to start doing raspberries and has been practicing ever since. I took this video of her while we were in the waiting room for her doctor's apointment, Monday. She had her second set of shots. :-( It is so sad to watch, but she was so very brave. I was proud of her. She cried of course when they stuck her, but she got over it quickly and I had her smiling in minutes. She's a tough cookie! Hope you enjoy the raspberry video as much as we have!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

First Post

Well, after a little convincing from Katie, I decided to come over to the "blog" side. :-) It seems as though it will be a bit easier to maintain than myspace or facebook and more accessible to the people not signed up with them. So here it is...My first Post. Anti-climatic, I know....But I'm afraid Addison is NOT going to allow me to type anymore right now. :-)